20 Reasons Mums Drink Gin


Motherhood is incredible. It is filled with so many amazing moments and it truly is the best thing to ever happen to me, but it has also been a real eyeopener. There have been times, since becoming a mother, that I have sat and cried. There have been times when I have felt that I am doing it all wrong, and there have been countless times I have felt overwhelmed... These are just some of the reasons why mums drink gin...

[Read More: Drinking With Children - Should There Be a Limit?]

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You gave them the wrong cup/plate/bowl/spoon...and they screamed for the whole evening...

Their homework was too hard... for you...

The house is covered in coco pops... five minutes after you hoovered

You were ignored on the school run... for the 20th time in a row

You forgot about the meeting at school... and now you feel all the mum guilt

You came across an old photo and you didn’t even recognise yourself

They demanded an ice cream for breakfast.... again

There was a big spider in the bath...and you had to remove it

You went to cook the emergency backup turkey dinosaurs... and realised you’d already used them

They pooped on the carpet.... In somebody else’s house

You were halfway through using the toilet when they opened the door...

The postman asked you, for the second time in a week, whether you were ok because you weren’t wearing makeup

You haven’t slept through the night in almost ten years...

Instead of feeling broody, you catch yourself daydreaming about taking a sabbatical from parenting...

You laughed at your friend’s joke... and a little pee came out

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They cried going into nursery for the fourth time in four days

You spent another food shop with a child screaming at you and demanding all the snacks

Just when you got them down for an afternoon nap, the doorbell rang

They learnt how to write their name... on the wallpaper

The first day at school started with tears... your own

You got through the flu....whilst listening to Peppa Pig on repeat

Being a mother is incredible... most of the time. For all those other times, there’s gin.

[Read more: Avoiding a Mummy Meltdown]

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