5 Essentials You Should Buy Before Breastfeeding


5 Essentials You Should Buy Before Breastfeeding

Buying items for your baby is one of the most fun yet stressful things you will go through during your pregnancy. You want to make sure you have everything you need before they arrive so you don't end up having to make a last-minute dash to the shops when you are exhausted (of course there will always be one thing you forget!) When it comes to breastfeeding essentials, there are a few items which are helpful to make it easier. I recommend these 5 items which have helped me especially those first couple of weeks when you are trying to get into the swing of things.

Nipple cream

If you speak to a breastfeeding mum, they are bound to tell you all about nipple pain. During those first few days of your baby's life (and for some mums, it continues throughout feeding), you can get a bit of discomfort when feeding your baby. During the early days, it can be down to your milk not coming through yet. A lot of mums try using nipple shields to help ease the pain. I personally didn't find these useful as they kept falling off and sticking to my bra. But I did find nipple cream helped during the first few weeks. I found using nipple cream stopped them cracking and becoming too sore. Therefore, I recommend buying some from the shops and remember to put it in your hospital bag.

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Nursing pillow

I really found a nursing pillow useful during the first couple of weeks. Not only is supportive and so comfortable, but I felt it helped to put the baby in a good position. In the middle of the night, it was so useful to lay baby on to feed rather than attempting to get my daughter into a good position when I was half asleep. It also ensures your little one is comfortable too while she feeds.

A nursing cover

While you should never feel embarrassed or uncomfortable feeding in public, I did find it useful having a nursing cover. That way, whether I was out at the park or sitting in a restaurant, I could feed my little one without feeling insecure and uncomfortable. I got an apron type cover from Amazon and it's been a godsend when I've been out and about and need to feed my daughter.

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Nursing clothing

There's nothing worse than struggling to lift your top when your baby is ready to feed. Therefore, nursing clothing is a must when you are breastfeeding your little one. There are some great clothes on the high street which are comfortable and look like normal clothing. I know a lot of people worry about the nursing clothing being 'too mumsy' but I found a lot of clothes out there which looked very similar to what I would normally wear. Remember a good nursing bra is a godsend too when you are feeding.

Nipple pads

Leaking is frustrating when you are out and about. Whether you are in front of family or in the middle of the shops, you feel embarrassed when your top is wet. Therefore, nipple pads are a must, especially when your supply is sorting itself out. I would avoid the cheap ones as they just don't stay in your bra whatever you do!

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