It's that time of the year again. The clocks fall back, the mornings are dark and the evenings darker. I usually enjoy autumn and winter but there seems to be a chill in the air this year - a sense of foreboding. I feel like it's hard to plan anything without the dread of another lockdown in the back of my mind. Every time I book a ticket for an event in winter, I half expect it will be cancelled.
There seems to be plenty of Bonfire night celebrations planned though in our local community, and fingers crossed, we will get to visit one this year. My youngest is now nearly three and he's never been to a firework show. I have a feeling it might be a bit loud and scary for him. Or the excitement will slide the other way and he won't be able to get enough of the whizzes and bangs. Either way, I'm going to use a few tried and tested tips to keep us safe and happy this Bonfire Night! My oldest, now eight, used to feel anxious when watching fireworks. He'd always snuggle in close, worried that they'd "get him".

Wrap Up Warm
It's a no brainer really but if it's chilly out, make sure you all wrap up warm. My son is the worst for not wanting to wear a jumper, and sometimes even a coat! But standing around in a field watching the fireworks can lead to cold hands and toes super fast. Layer up and pack spare gloves and hats for the little ones.
Now a word on gloves - we've lost a gazillion. If you can find gloves that connect to the coat, jacket or baby-gro then win-win. These are the ideal dream. Failing that, join a pair of gloves using a ribbon, long enough to thread through your child's coat. That way, when they take their gloves off, they're never lost.
Ear Muffs or Defenders
If you know your little one will be scared, invest in a pair of earmuffs or defenders. Although they won't completely block out the sound, they will stifle it so it's less noisy for little ears. We used ear defenders at the air show in Weston when our son was young. He enjoyed the experience so much more when wearing them.
If your little one wants to get close and snuggle in, then wearing a sling or carrier might be the best option for your baby or even toddler - depending on weight. There's no way I'd want to carry my son now - he is so heavy!
Sparkler Safety
I love sparklers. The glitter, the glitz, the sparkle. And the smell. Sparklers ultimately are the smell of winter, aren't they?! But they're also such a hazard with little kids and it's so easy for accidents to happen. Remind the little ones to keep them at arm's length and away from each other. Once the sparkler has finished, be really mindful of where you discard them and make sure the kids can't pick them up again.
All these tips are designed to help you have the best November 5th ever! If you have any other advice to share with our network, be sure to comment here on share with us on social media.