6 Things to Do With Your Kids in Winter

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As the weather returns colder, the prospect of being outside in the cold and wet doesn’t always appeal so much as that baking summer sun. The thing is, there is still so much to do in winter and it doesn’t cost much (if anything) to make the most of it.

Our toddler is pretty, let’s say, energetic and he doesn’t do too well being inside all day. I wouldn’t say we are really out there with what we do, but there are a few go-to activities that give us the excuse to get outside in winter...most of which involve mess.

Get out in the forest

I wouldn’t say I’d paid much attention to trees pre-children. I know they were big and wooden, but my interest stopped there. Now I’ve got kids, I see trees in a different light; they are nature’s own entertainment systems. A bit of an exaggeration, but they are epic in the winter.

Whether it be climbing them, making things out of the sticks that come from them, building dens from the branches or simply throwing leaves around, trees provide hours of entertainment. If you have a forest near you, get out and into it. It might be a bit damp, but that adds to the fun.

Try the beach

Beaches are great fun in the winter. When you are wrapped up, the cold sea air is epic. Playing in the sand is just as much fun as in the summer and it just breaks up the monotony of indoor playing. Gathering a few stones for painting and splashing in the sea with wellies on it is great fun too. Beaches aren’t just for summer!

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Find some mud

You can’t beat mud. The muddier the better. Old clothes or waterproof bodysuits are always good attire for a bit of off-road exploring. Don’t worry about getting too messy, I always just tell myself it’ll wash off them (it might take a few days!!) Splashing in muddy puddles brings hours of fun and best of all, it wears them out.

Research local walks

Sometimes there are gems on your doorstep. We are out a lot but we didn’t even know half of the walks near our existed. Similarly, we found there are literally hundreds more just a short car drive away...it’s just about knowing where they are. Not only is it great to explore a new place, but it also gives you some destruction free time.

Flask of hot chocolate

Things don’t have to cost the earth. Taking out a little flask of hot chocolate is a great way to make things a bit more fun, especially when it’s freezing. We live such confined lives sometimes and it’s great to get cold and warm up halfway round.

Invest in a headtorch

With the nights drawing in and the light going fairly early, you have to make your own! Getting a cheap head torch is a good way to keep the fun going a bit longer. Playing at the park or in the garden with your own light is novel too and makes things feel more adventurous.

Don’t be beaten by the winter weather and dark evenings, getting out doesn’t have to be hard!

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