8 Things to Do in Half Term if the Weather Is Crap


Would you believe it – the half term is upon us already. It feels like only yesterday that I sent the little guy back to school after the Christmas break. These kids are always on bloody holiday. My mum was right when she told me school would be the best days of my life!

I’m looking forward to this half term as it will be my final “holiday” with my big kid before I go back to work after maternity. A whole year, gone. School holidays are great if the weather plays ball but if it’s pissing it down all week, it can get a bit much. So today I’m sharing with you a few things to do if the weather is crap this half term. Fingers crossed it isn’t ey?!

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Take a trip to the Theatre

It’s definitely worth having a look to see what’s on at your local theatre over the half term. Our theatre has a number of shows geared towards kids. We’re actually going to see the Amazing Bubble Man. Giant bubbles, coupled with magic and dry ice. What more could you want?

Check out your Museum

Local museums can serve as a great free morning or afternoon out. We have one in Weston-super-Mare which runs themed days during half term. This half term the theme is History week. For £5 we are booked on to a shield and longboat making workshop for an hour. And, of course, you can have a wander around the museum for free too.

Soft play

Urgh, the dreaded soft play. And if it’s raining you just know it will be heaving. But I find if I go with a group of friends, and early(!), the kids go off and play and we get to sit and natter for a couple of hours.


Personally I loathe swimming. It’s a faff. I hate getting changed. I can’t stand having to walk barefoot all over the grubby floors. I hate the smell of chlorine. And I hate having to unpack and wash everything when we get home. So yeah, swimming isn’t up there on my list of things to do, but if you enjoy swimming then go for it. It’s worth looking in your area to see what pools are available. We are lucky to have an outdoor Lido in Portishead, and a number of themed splash pools for kids in the area.

Holiday clubs

If you have to work then holiday clubs can be super useful. Check out your local children’s centres for what’s on, as well as church-run clubs. We also have a number of local sports clubs that run activities throughout the holidays. And even if you don’t have to work but need a day to yourself then they are handy! The club we use isn’t cheap - £25 a day and we need to pack a lunchbox. But it runs from 8 am to 6 pm – so perfect if you’re working.

Climbing Fun

We recently had a climbing centre open in our town – Clip and Climb. You can book hour slots for less than £15. And there are sometimes offers to be had on discount sites. If your little one enjoys things like this, then climbing is a perfect indoor activity.

Trampoline Parks

My son absolutely loves going to AirHop and Flip Out. He gets to run riot for an hour. Bouncing, jumping and generally letting off steam. I’m planning to book us both on for a mum and son hour of fun. Just hope the pelvic floor muscles hold!

Catch a Movie

Of course, the cinema is a great choice if the weather is crap. Typically there are kid’s films released during half term. Take advantage of any offers like Meerkat Movies or discount days.

Do you have any plans for the holidays? Fingers crossed it will be beautiful, warm weather. Knowing Britain though…I doubt it!

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