Becoming a First Time Mum


Being a mum is an incredibly hard job to do but it’s also an amazingly special one too. When planning to have a child I don’t think you can ever really plan for what’s about to come. I thought I knew everything about what to expect and what things were going to be like but wow wasn’t I wrong. Having a baby was all I wanted for such a long time and I love my girl to pieces, she is my world but that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been ridiculously difficult at times.

I don’t know if it’s that we have been in a pandemic for most of the year or just becoming a mum for the first time but either way there has been some struggles. Due to being in a pandemic, it has mainly just been me and my daughter during the days which I love being able to get so much time to bond with her and play with her but it also means that on her bad days it’s also just me to look after her while my partner is at work. Without being able to go out and visit friends and family like I would have done If we were not in a pandemic I have found that I haven’t been able to have much socialisation but also my baby hasn’t been able to get as much interaction and experience with other adults and children.

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So for any new mum getting used to sleepless nights can be hard and l definitely miss my undisturbed sleep but I also love being able to have those sleepy feeds with my baby girl as I know they won’t last forever. Staying motivated to do things with your new baby can be difficult especially with sleepless nights but being able to teach your child new things is so rewarding.

I found that there were so many things to quickly learn when becoming a first-time mum that at times it can feel quite overwhelming. Once you’ve had your baby you have to learn the rules about bottles, milk and sterilising but after a little while all of that just becomes part of your routine. At first, it may seem like you go through hundreds of nappies but it’s a good sign if your baby is doing enough wees and poos so really lots of nappies is a good thing. In the first month or so of my daughter being born she was quite constipated which I had to try and find ways to help her which was difficult because she was so little and there wasn’t much that I could do really.

Soon enough the newborn stage is over and your baby is quickly learning new things and developing more and more every day, as amazing as it is to watch it can be hard to think of the things you need to be doing to help your baby grow, especially in the current pandemic. I have felt like my baby is growing so much and is changing so fast that I keep having to think of new things to do with her so that she keeps learning and doesn’t get bored.

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The current pandemic has made it quite difficult to stay social and feel like I’m having time to myself as it’s mainly me and my baby every day so all of my time is consumed by her or doing things she needs. I also feel like because I’ve been at home more I’ve felt like I need to clean and tidy more or find things to do around the place just because I’m there.

I just want to say to all new mums, that yes you are a new mum but you are also still a person. It’s important to still try and do things that you like and try to keep your hobbies and friendships alive. It may be hard but it’s important. Keep being an amazing mummy but don’t forget about yourself.

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