The Best Gifts for New Mums They Will Love


A new gorgeous baby arrives and it is a wonderful, joyous occasion for everyone involved. There has been months and months of preparation for the baby’s arrival. Family and friends have bought numerous gifts, parents have bought everything from baby monitors to nappies to travel systems. Everyone is baby obsessed. And quite rightly so. Finally, the big day arrives and everyone rushes to the hospital and the baby is bombarded with soft cuddly thousand congratulatory balloons.

But there are the new mums who have worked extremely hard for nine months and are tired beyond imagination when the baby arrives: the mum. The mum has gone through numerous hours of labour and all the pain it involves and is flat out exhausted. They sometimes can be seen as an afterthought. The new mum is being told to bounce back straight away. Into their old job, seeing friends and generally their old way of being before the baby. So it's important that we get think about the best possible gifts for new mums. Whether it's as simple as letting them sleep and Dad takes over or even an indulgent dessert such as cookies and cream.

I can empathise as I’ve been through this myself - twice. I, therefore, wanted to write this article to advise on gifts for new mums.

visit new mum in hospital newborn baby

The Gift of your time

When I had both my gorgeous children, I was elated. However, after the initial euphoria, all I wanted to do was sleep. I still remember after my second child was born, my sister-in-law was visiting and I was so tired, I actually fell asleep mid-conversation. My sister-in-law being there was the best gift I could have asked for at the time. So my first suggestion for a gift to a new mum is to give her your time. My sister-in-law looked after my little one whilst I slept for an hour or two. She took care of the baby and changed his first nappy as I was conked out. I will be forever grateful because I remember how tired I was. So rather than taking flowers, ask a new mum what you can do to help.

A gift for a new mum doesn't get better than your continued support. Being there for new mums when they first have the child is a special but stressful time as mentioned. Making sure if they need help with the weekly shop is one way to show your everlasting support too. Other ways could be making sure the house is in order or as mentioned helping out with other kids.

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The Gift of Food for a new mum

Another very important gift for new mums is food. All I wanted to do after giving birth was sleep and eat. Childbirth drains your energy like nothing else, so you want to replenish your resources so someone bringing you a nice home-cooked meal is like a Godsend. Obviously, bear in mind that new Mums may be breastfeeding, so ensure that whatever food you take isn’t spicy and considerate of any allergies.

Another suggestion on the food front for new mums is the gift of a food hamper. Be that friend that knows all their favourite foods and create the perfect gift food hamper.

Think of the food the new mother would like and think of things that will give her strength and energy. Something like protein balls/bars full of yummy goodness that will provide strength and energy. Or nice food hampers full of nutritious foods and some delicious treats in there too. This gift would make a new mum seriously happy. Let's be honest, hospital food isn’t the best. If you add a nice dessert into your food gifts, you’ll be sure to be a new Mums best friend.

The Gift of Being Pampered

Every woman (unless you’re the Duchess of Cambridge) looks and feels rough, tired, and exhausted after childbirth. Popular types of gifts for new mums could be to give her a voucher to pamper herself once she gets out so she feels gorgeous. A facial, a haircut, or getting her nails done - anything that will make Mum feel better and this also gives the new mum the chance to have a bit of much needed 'me time' when she does get out of the hospital. A spa weekend is another type of event that you both could attend further down the line. Becoming a new parent is daunting and can take so much of out you. A treat such as that could rejuvenate them when they are ready to do so.

The Gift of Self Care

Another great idea is to create a little self-care package/bag that new mums would absolutely love. A little pack of nice aromas and skincare. An uplifting room spray, nice hand cream or body lotion, or a favourite lip balm. What little home comforts will make the new Mum happy? Put her favourites in a little bag and help her feel uplifted. Self care can also mean making sure she is happy and content. During these times they will lack sleep so checking in on them will be vital in the first while after giving birth.

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The Gift of Memories

A really nice present for new mums would be an instant camera like an Instax or a Polaroid. Something that you can give to the new Mum so she can instantly capture and keep photos of her precious little one. Ideas like this are always appreciated. We all have phones, and we are constantly taking photos on them. Getting a polaroid photo of a newborn is something a new Mum can keep and always look at. They can put it in a baby book or memory box. The photo will always be a reminder of Baby’s first hours/days and also a reminder of your gift to her. Sometimes it's not the special treats that they remember, it's thoughtful ideas like this.

The Gift of a Shopping Spree

Another special gift for new mums is to give them vouchers to enjoy a day shopping wherever they want to go. We all love a delivery but a walk around the shops can be just what the doctor ordered. It might not be straight away but new mums need to remember that they aren't just mum.

The Gift of Fresh Flowers and Chocolates

It might be obvious but flowers and chocolates can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Simple things such as this can really improve the mood for new mums. Pregnancy and giving birth is one of the hardest things to do so having chocolate can show real warmth and understanding. The fresh bloom signifies new life so it's a very apt present too.

The Gift of Your Baby Club

A way new mums could enjoy new gifts is by signing up to our Club group here:

Not only are there loads of great deals that make the perfect gift for new mums there are other items from some of the biggest brands in the UK baby market.

The Gift of going that extra mile

It's important to show new mothers that you're over the moon for their achievement of bringing life into the world. We need to remember both, the mums and the babies. We remember the mother with the type of gift we can give them. Whether someone is having a newborn for the first time or again; the right gift you buy is important. It could be the simple card and chocolate. It could be a bath bomb and shampoo. It could be books or matching pajamas for mother and newborn. Whatever the type of gift you decide for the new mums in your life. go the extra mile so they feel lovely and special.

Other Gift Treat Options & Ideas

I've mentioned some of the best gifts that you could buy. Whether that's a simple cooked meal, a much-loved gift such as a polaroid camera to catch those early moments, or just being there for your friend. Here are some other final ideas to consider:

  • Personalised Cards
  • Other skin friendly oils and creams for the bath and shower
  • A short break treat for the family
  • A subscription to Audible
  • Personalised cups for both
  • Personalised t-shirts
  • A special treat of speciality coffee's and teas

The lists are kind of endless for the type of treat or gift you could buy. These ideas will hopefully give some inspiration so when the time comes to giving the gift over you have all boxes covered so you add to what is already a special occasion. Just make sure a lot of thought goes into the process.

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