Baby Sleeping Tips for Tired New Parents


Here are some of our tips for newborn babies and parents to get some sleep:

  • Muffle your bedroom door by looping a thick rubber band between both door knobs to form an X shape over the door latch
  • Watch for newborns’ wakeful periods and put them to sleep as soon as they appear tired. 
  • If your baby is sleeping in your room do all your bedtime preparation out of the bedroom
  • Buy an LED push night light that operates on batteries so it can be mobile to use during night feeds and nappy changes. This avoids you turning on a brighter light
  • Blackout blinds or curtains are really popular for keeping the room that your little one sleeps in dark. You can also get travel blackout products
  • Incorporate baby massage into the bedtime routine to wind down and calm your little one
  • Change your baby’s nappy before the nighttime feed to minimise waking them up fully
  • Put a hot water bottle in the Moses basket or cot to warm it up a little before you transfer them from your arms to bed.

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