How to Keep Cool During Pregnancy


Many people struggle when the temperature rises, and that’s without even being pregnant. If you are expecting, here are our top tips for keeping cool:

  • Keep your creams, lotions and gels in the fridge, it’s really lovely to apply cool moisturiser to your face or aloe vera gel on tired swollen feet
  • Cool your pulse points on your wrists and ankles by running them under a cold tap or applying a cold compress. You could also soak your feet in a bowl of ice-cold water, but try to keep them elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Suck on ice cubes or chips or add plenty of ice to your drinks for an instant cool blast. Munching an ice lolly has much the same effect, but unfortunately ice cream won’t cool you down quite as much!
  • If you already have children, make a game of them spraying you (lightly) with a hose or splashing you with water. They’ll think it hilarious if you’re sat with your feet in their paddling pool too.
  • If you have a desk or freestanding fan it can provide you with some relief but it may get to the point where it is just re-circulating warm air. Place a bowl of water and ice in front of the fan and it will blow the cold air around as the water evaporates. You’ll also get the same effect by draping a cold wet towel over a chair.

[Read more: 20 Things You Can and Can't Do Pregnant]

  • Water sprays are brilliant for carrying around with you. You don’t need to buy the expensive ready-made ones, look for spray bottles in the travel section of high street stores or re-use empty ones. If you fill and chill your water in the fridge or freezer, it will be extra refreshing.
  • It may seem a bit odd but when the temperature heats up, open your windows but keep the curtains closed. This means that you get fresh air in but without the mugginess.

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  • Fill a hot water bottle with cold water and freeze it all day. Wrap it up in a pillowcase or towel then rest your feet on it at night. You might get a wet patch on your bed though, so try extra towels underneath or a waterproof sheet.
  • You can also try muslins or small towels soaked in cold water laid around your neck or wearing cold wet socks. Be warned though that the effect of these wears off very quickly and the muslins and socks tend to go crispy in the heat!
  • The sun is hottest between 11am and 3pm so try to stay indoors or at least in the shade between those times. Keep yourself well hydrated and listen to your body. If your feet or ankles are swelling up, drink some more water and elevate them to reduce the puffiness.
  • Wear a sunhat and light loose clothing whenever possible, and slather on high factor sunscreen. Whilst it may be frustrating to not be outside enjoying the sunshine, take care of yourself and the baby.

[Read more: Our Top 5 Pregnancy Books]

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