How to Write Your Birth Plan


Your birth plan records your wishes and instructions for care before, during and after labour. You don't have to create one, but they are helpful to give you some peace of mind knowing you have a 'plan' in place. Discussing your birth plan with your midwife, allows you to ask any questions and find out what to expect during labour.

It's also an opportunity for your midwife to get to know you, help understand your feelings and priorities during labour, and allow your birthing partner to know what you want. Let's face it, you'll be too occupied pushing a human out to ensure your labour is as close to your plan as possible.

Your birth plan is also personal to you. Every birth is different, and every mum-to-be is different, so this will be a clear indication of your wishes. It will include details of your medical history, your current circumstances (i.e. consultant-led, whether you're a single parent-to-be) and note down what is available at your maternity service that you'd like to utilise.

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It's worth noting, these plans aren't set in stone, you can change your mind at any time. However, you will need to stay relatively flexible if complications arise with you or your baby or if certain facilities aren't available to you at the time of birth. Writing a birth plan allows you to consider all the different scenarios your labour and birth may cover and in doing so, gives you the confidence to make the right decision for your circumstances

What To Include:

  • Where and how you want to give birth
  • Desired pain relief options
  • Use of forceps or ventouse (intervention or instrumental delivery)
  • Your choice for/against a caesarean section
  • Your baby after the birth (skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, cord blood banking, placental use)

You can also use this opportunity to think about what your birth partner can do to support you throughout labour, whether that's coaching you through hypnobirthing, keeping you cool, or DJ'ing your labour playlist.

Your midwife might give you a form to fill in, or you can provide your own. It's a good idea always to keep a copy of your birth plan with you and have additional copies for your birth partner handy too.

Creating a birth plan before the big day is an important step in communicating your wishes to your birthing team during labour and immediately after the birth of your baby. This birth plan will help you to be informed of all the options available to you, including what birthing equipment you'd like and your options for a placental delivery. Download our birth plan today and make sure you're organised and ready to go when the time comes!

Download Your Birth Plan

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