Halloween: Lockdown Activities for Your Little One


LOCKDOWN 2020. Things just aren't the same and life isn't quite how we know it.

Nonetheless with Halloween fast approaching and Trick-or-treating looking to be a corona-fest or the way things are going; illegal. Here are some Stay at home activities I've put together to make sure the day/night isn't all that boring.

Say no to costumes – the price of costumes for 3 kids each year is the scariest part of the night for some, me included. Luckily these days more places have a selection of Halloween themed pyjamas. Much more house appropriate and comfortable.

Pumpkin carving – This one is here to stay. They can take away our freedom but they will never take away our pumpkins. That is unless there is a pumpkin shortage problem just like the toilet roll saga.

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Spaghetti + red food colouring = a gruesome dig through to find some goodies. (cooled obviously)

Plastic spiders + jelly = Another place to hide a few goodies for the kids to dig around for.

Toilet roll mummy – Grab a toilet roll or two, see who can wrap up/wrap another person the fastest. Who will become a mummy first?

Halloween themed food – Get the grub in, see what Halloween themed food you can make. Whether its pumpkin shaped pizzas or sausages wrapped in pastry mummies.

Halloween bonfire and scary stories – age permitting, for younger children maybe get some battery-operated lanterns and an age-appropriate storybook.

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Movies – get cosy, grab a film and settle down to watch it. That’s if you can get the kids to sit down for long enough after those sweet treats.

Jelly-baff – Why not push the boat out and mix bath time up a little. Some green bath jelly/slime could make bath time that little more exciting. Are you brave enough?

Halloween hide and seek – We most probably won't be knocking on doors this year. So why not hide some tricks and treats around the house? What tricks and treats will you use?

We all do things differently, some of the above may cause absolute carnage in your household. But that’s part of the fun isn't it? We can do this parents.

Let's get online, grab some Halloween décor (or make your own) and let's show these kids how we used to do it. Make new traditions, have fun and most importantly; Stay safe.

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