No Toy Stocking Filler Ideas For Kids

Dad and child with presents at Christmas

Wow. Where did the year go?! It's December and it feels like it was just five minutes since summer. I swear each year speeds up.

Since it's December, it's not long until Santa makes his visit. So, it's time to really start thinking about presents and gifts.

As much as I love buying stocking fillers for the kids, I try and make a pact with myself not to get more plastic tat and toys that we'll end up having to throw away in the near future, and I opt for other ideas and non-toy stocking stuffers.

So let me share some of my no-toy stocking fillers ideas with you!

Edible Gifts

I love a consumable gift for Christmas. They're both useful and yummy. Win-win.

There are so many edible gift ideas you can stuff in a stocking too for the whole family. From chocolate and sweets to raisins (don't forget the classic satsuma), they're the perfect stocking fillers and can be great fun too.

I remember my mum also used to put a handful of nuts in the bottom of our stockings too. 

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Some people don't enjoy getting smellies for Christmas but I absolutely LOVE a bath bomb and a facemask! And the kids love them too.

They're cheap, easy to source and great fun for kids to open on Christmas morning in their stockings.

If you need any inspiration, think of bubble baths, sponges, bath crayons, and lip balms - there are so many options.



Ok, the little ones will disagree but it makes me happy when they get clothes for Christmas. We don't need more toys!

For example, easy gifts like slippers, socks, pants, hats, gloves and scarves make ideal child's stocking fillers. And of course, don't forget, the Christmas PJs and festive slipper socks.

My boys love a onesie so we'll definitely be wrapping a couple of those this winter. Clothes are a perfect gift for when it starts getting super chilly and can be a great way to buy long-lasting Christmas stocking fillers that your children will love. 

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Stationary and Craft Bits 

You can't go wrong with art and craft supplies!

I often pop novelty erasers, pencils, pens and crayons in the kid's stockings. Sticker and activity books are great too, these gifts are bound to keep them entertained for hours of fun on Christmas morning.

My son loves a good notebook so we often chuck one of those in for good measure. If you're into the messy stuff, small pots of slime and play-doh make good stocking fillers too. 


Second-Hand Things

Don't underestimate the power of a charity shop or car boot sale for other ideas for your stocking fillers.

You can pick up gifts for younger kids and older children at a charity shop. These could be anything from little cars, toys and trinkets to art supplies, books, or DVDs (OK, I know I said no toys, but the range you can get for cheap means it has to make the list!).

Books are often 50p-£1 in charity shops - and even less at car boot sales. People just want to get rid of items like this so they'll often let books go for 10-20p.

I usually start hunting in the summer - collecting Christmas-themed books and activity packs where I can. 

Second-hand gifts make great stocking fillers, and it's a great way to discover items you hadn't thought of, without spending a fortune on them.

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