Our Top 5 Books For International Children's Book Day


If there is one thing that personally I love remembering about my childhood is my love of books, that passion, however, started when I was very young, a toddler in fact. The love of reading has become something that in this day and age fewer kids are falling into, which is something we want to help with, so here are our top five children’s books which you can use to start their love of books.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

An absolute classic! The simple story of a tea party with a twist, and no food left (slightly ironic given the current situation) This is a great way to get your little ones into characters they can love as well as having a good storyline for them to follow without the massive complication of adult books.

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Where’s Spot

I honestly forgot this book existed until I began researching for this article and I am so glad I found it again! Honestly, this was one of the books that, although I don’t really appreciate it now, I remember loving at a young age. A simple tale of finding something lost, but also bearing a true message of perseverance, a great read for any young reader.

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Where the Wild Things Are

Another truly engaging book for your little ones. ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ tells of a boy who meets creatures and makes a bond with them, making it a great way to introduce your little ones to the idea of friendship, as well as having a great but simple story to it, making it a great bedtime story.

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Honestly, I had never thought of David Walliams as a successful children’s writer, but having encountered some of his work, I can honestly say he is a great option if you are looking for some slightly more advanced reading for your toddler. They may need some support reading it, but this provides a great start. This story tells of the creation of slime, and how one child uses it against the evil adults, a simple but funny tale which is a great way to lead into future reading.

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar

I don’t think a top children’s book list would be complete without this classic, and who doesn’t love a good pop-up book! This book combines a nice simple plot, with some easy maths learning, with great fun for the kids in the form of pop-ups and pull-outs. The story of a caterpillar who needed to eat, simple, but an instant classic for all those who read it.

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