Top 5 Bingeworthy Netflix Shows for First Time Mums


Your life changes as soon as you walk through your front door with that baby seat in your arms. You put them down on the floor, carefully sit down on the sofa, and you think to yourself, what now? For first-time mums, this can be scary as fuck. Do you check the baby, see if it needs feeding/changing, or if they are sleeping do you make yourself a drink? It’s a confusing feeling, and even though you are in your own home again, it is somehow different. You look at everything with new eyes, mum eyes. You are having to introduce your new baby to everything from the bathroom to the kitchen, as chances are they will be going with you pretty much everywhere in the first few months at least. I remember taking my baby to the toilet in a sling wrap and cooking with her as if she were a third limb. If you are lucky to have a partner take paternity leave or mothers, siblings and cousins, you will have plenty of help in the first few days/weeks. But all that changes when people settle back into their lives, and you are left at home for the first time all day, just you and baby. Again, scary as fuck. As a huge fan of TV, film and streaming services, I’ve comprised a list of five binge-worthy Netflix shows you can get absorbed in while the baby is feeding/sleeping to help bring a bit of normalcy back into your home. These shows are inspirational, funny, uplifting and positive- all the things you need to help get through that first day by yourself. If you can make it through that first day, you can make it through every day thereafter.

Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up

This show literally changed my life in 2018. When it first aired on Netflix, I was intrigued to watch the show all about tidying up. As an organised person in general, I am also a hoarder/lover of many items. This series was the magic ingredient that transformed my home into a space I could feel proud of. It completely changes the way you look at everything you poses, and makes you question the true value of the things that surround you. It’s well worth a binge, but sadly there is only currently one season.


If you are hooked by murder trials and detective shows (and don’t mind a bit of blood) ‘You’ needs to be on your radar. With hints of Dexter, brilliant dark humour and a hottie for a main protagonist, it has everything a first time mum requires for a binge-fest. Season two has just been released in January 2020 and I’ve already steamrollered through it like an obsessed teenager.

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As you can probably guess from the title, ‘Lucifer’ is a fantasy-based show dealing with issues of the Devil living in the city of LA when he got tired of ruling in Hell. I tell you one thing, you won’t get tired of Tom Ellis’s sexy portrayal of the devil incarnate. This is also a detective-type show but very light-hearted and more quirky than demonic. Give it a try, I promise it won’t disappoint. It is hilarious, a little stupid in places, but the storyline is epic.


If you are sensing a theme here, you are very much correct. As soon as I had finished Lucifer, I went back a decade and found Tom Ellis again, this time staring as a love interest in the hit comedy show Miranda. This really helps to uplift you when you are feeling stressed or down. Watching the hugely tall and talented Miranda Hart take on a character based upon her own life as a loveable misfit, it strikes tones of Faulty Towers but has enough fierce females to rival Charlie’s Angels. I could watch this show again and again.

Nailed It!

Lastly, a series that will have your tastebuds tested... and that may or may not be in a good way! ‘Nailed It!’ sees three amateur bakers battle it out each episode to recreate delicate masterpieces, only the end result may not be recognisable. This show had me chuckling with every sweet reveal, and despite many fails, it actually doesn’t matter in the end. You can have this show on autoplay throughout the morning, noon and night and your home will feel as sweet and fluffy as a unicorn cupcake.

So there you have it, my five top binge-worthy Netflix shows for first time mums. If you get through all of these, I will be truly impressed and will want to hear your thoughts immediately, especially those about Tom Ellis!

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