Traditional Weaning Recipes

dad feeding baby on sofa

If you happen to be struggling for new and interesting ideas to help you with weaning your little one via the traditional purée method, here are our top five tried and tested traditional weaning recipes which you can try yourself without any stress:

Celeriac, Carrot and Apple Purée


½ celeriac, peeled and cut up into chunks

3 regular carrots, peeled and cut into chunks

2 apples (eating not cooking, e.g., granny smiths, braeburn, gala, pink lady) peeled, cored, and cut into chunks


Steam the ingredients over water for around 15 minutes or until they become tender (whichever occurs first).

Blitz into a purée, adding milk if needed to increase the smoothness of the texture.

Apple and Banana Purée


2 apples (eating not cooking) peeled, cored, and sliced into chunks

1 banana, peeled and cut into chunks


Steam the ingredients for around 8 minutes or until soft.

Blitz until at the desired consistency.

TIP: As your child gets older, try mashing rather than blitzing the ingredients

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Apple and Blueberry Stew


An eating apple peeled, cored, and cut into chunks

60g of frozen blueberries

150ml water


Put ingredients into a saucepan and add the water.

Cook for around 10 minutes or until the apple and blueberries are completely soft.

Pour the mixture into a bowl, stir, and then wait for it to cool before serving.

Courgette and Cauliflower Purée


200g of courgette peeled and chopped

100g of cauliflower florets


Cook the cauliflower florets in boiling water for around 12 minutes until they are soft, before draining them and setting them aside.

Steam the chopped courgette for around 8 minutes, before combining the vegetables and blending them until you reach the desired consistency.

Add cheese if you want to add some extra flavour to the dish.

Leek and Potato


1 potato peeled and chopped

1 leek washed and diced

2 tablespoons of milk


Bring a pan of water to the boil. Add the chopped potatoes for around 10 minutes on a high temperature.

Add the diced leek to the pan before cooking for another 5 minutes.

Once the ingredients are soft, drain and mash the ingredients before letting it cool to serve.

If the mixture is too thick before serving, add the milk.

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