What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag


Preparing for your stay in hospital when you're about to give birth to your perfect little baby, is an exciting time, much like packing for a holiday (except holidays do not involve squeezing a human head through your pelvis, okay poor analogy - sorry!), Packing for the big day can be exciting though, after all, you're on the home stretch. As you enter your third trimester, it would be a good idea to start thinking about what you're going to need, want, and all the 'just in case' items to pack, ready for the moment your baby arrives in this world.

You can start packing your hospital bag whenever you want to, but it's a good idea to have your bag ready from 34-weeks onwards.

If you're feeling totally clueless about what you need to pack, try not to worry.

Download Our Free Printable Hospital Bag Checklist

Once you've got these essentials together, make sure to choose a bag that is not too bulky, but allows easy access without having to rummage around trying to find a pot of nappy cream or a clean pair of knickers you'd rolled up in the bottom.

A great tip would be to group things in little zip seal bags, or luggage organisers, keeping all your toiletries in a separate toiletry bag to things for baby, your clothes separate from baby's, as well as a spare bag for any dirties ready for the wash when you get home.

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Remember to label each bag too, so your partner or midwife can help you with getting things.

You could also pack an extra bag of another days' worth of clothes for you, your partner and your baby and leave it in the car just in case you need to stay a little longer than expected. This will save your partner from needing to drive home and back again, particularly if you don't live that close to where you are giving birth.

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