Your Baby is the size of a


How are you feeling about sharing your exciting news with the world? Make sure to take things at your own pace, and embrace your new role as the designated driver! By now, you’re likely to be in the thick of your morning sickness, so make sure to try out ginger tea, sea band bracelets, or eating six small meals rather than your usual three “normal sized” meals. Although you might not feel it yet, your little one is already moving around and making themselves comfortable in there!

Week 8

Length : 1.6 cm

Weight : 1 g

Week 8
Length : 1.6 cm
Weight : 1 g

Your Baby is the size of a


How are you feeling about sharing your exciting news with the world? Make sure to take things at your own pace, and embrace your new role as the designated driver! By now, you’re likely to be in the thick of your morning sickness, so make sure to try out ginger tea, sea band bracelets, or eating six small meals rather than your usual three “normal sized” meals. Although you might not feel it yet, your little one is already moving around and making themselves comfortable in there!

Did you know that there's an old wives' tale that suggests a faster beating heart is a sign you may be having a baby girl? Either way, your baby's heart is beating twice as fast as yours and is currently drumming away at around 140-170 bpm. Later in pregnancy, this will drop to between 110-160bpm. However, at the moment, growing a head, arm and leg buds (which are developing at a rapid rate) takes lots of energy. Their tiny heart is working hard to get everything in place.

This week will see the eye colour start to develop, and baby is growing around 1mm per day in size.

It's safe to assume that by week eight, you are feeling pregnant; and even though your jeans are a bit snugger around the waistline, you probably still don't look it (aside from your breasts being a bit fuller). If your breasts are tender or sore, you're not alone. Pregnancy hormones are preparing your body for lactation, causing you to feel oh, so tired and doing all sorts of distracting things to your body.

Progesterone is to blame for your present fatigue.

And it's still important that you avoid caffeine, even if you are really, really tired. As to what is responsible for any thin, milky vaginal discharge you might be experiencing? That's estrogen. This discharge is called leukorrhea. It protects the birth canal from becoming infected and keeps bacteria at a healthy, balanced level, so it's tremendously important that you avoid douching and washing it away.

By now, 75 percent of expecting moms are familiar with morning sickness, aka "All-the-Time Sickness." The silver lining is in knowing these food and/or smell aversions, the nausea and sickness, normally tend to subside at the end of this trimester, around week 12, which is right around the corner! Staying hydrated will help. Are you drinking enough? Keep an eye on the colour of your urine, which should be lightly coloured. If it's dark, you are not getting enough fluid. Remaining hydrated is extremely important during pregnancy, so drink up!

And finally, there is no such thing as a stupid question (except for the one not asked!) No matter if this is your first pregnancy or your fifth, share your concerns - about anything - with your midwife or doctor.

Everything smells strange. Everything makes you feel nauseas. Everything... is different, now that you're eight weeks pregnant! Your body is all sorts of amazing madness. Here are few, but not all, of the pregnancy symptoms you may be experiencing:

Morning sickness, increased saliva, and nausea: Many people experience morning sickness during early pregnancy, which can manifest as increased saliva production, nausea, or being sick. This is caused by hormonal changes and typically subsides after the first trimester, but if severe and persistent, it's important to speak to your midwife or GP on how to manage these and keep healthy. Here are some tips for combatting morning sickness.

Food cravings and/or aversions: Pregnancy can bring about sudden and intense cravings for certain foods, while simultaneously causing aversions to others. These cravings and aversions are thought to be influenced by hormonal fluctuations and tend to be foods you’d never normally consider! Head here for more on food cravings during pregnancy.

Heartburn: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can relax the muscles of the lower oesophageal sphincter, leading to the back-flow of stomach acid into the oesophagus. This is what can cause a burning sensation known as heartburn. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding trigger foods can help alleviate symptoms. Here’s more on heartburn during pregnancy.

Frequent urination: As the uterus expands and puts pressure on the bladder, many expecting mums experience an increased need to urinate during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. This symptom is normal and usually improves in the second trimester as the uterus rises higher in the abdomen!

Constipation: Hormonal changes and the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the intestines can slow down the digestive system, leading to constipation in some people. Increasing fibre intake, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate this discomfort! Head here for more on constipation during pregnancy.

Amplified sense of smell: Heightened sensitivity to smells is a common pregnancy symptom, again attributed to hormonal changes. Some women may find certain smells intolerable or overwhelming during pregnancy, while others may develop a newfound appreciation for particular scents.

Mood swings: Hormonal fluctuations, coupled with the physical and emotional changes of pregnancy, can contribute to mood swings ranging from joy to irritability and sadness. Practicing self-care, communicating openly with a supportive partner or loved one, and engaging in relaxation techniques can help manage these mood swings. Here’s some more advice on pregnancy emotions.

Acne: Changes in androgen production can stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin, leading to an increase in oil production and acne breakouts. Using gentle pregnancy-safe skincare products and maintaining a consistent skincare routine can help manage acne during pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge: Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy can cause an increase in vaginal discharge, which may be thin, milky, or white in colour. This discharge, known as leukorrhea, is usually normal unless accompanied by itching or burning which could indicate an infection and should be checked by your GP. Here’s everything to know about vaginal discharge. 

Strange dreams: Pregnancy hormones can influence the content and frequency of your dreams, leading to vivid and sometimes bizarre dreams during sleep. These strange dreams are a common occurrence and often reflect the subconscious thoughts and anxieties related to pregnancy and parenthood. Here’s a guide to pregnancy dreams.

These symptoms are just some of the many changes your body may undergo during week 8 of pregnancy, and they can vary widely from person to person. If you have any concerns about your symptoms or how they are affecting your pregnancy, it's important to discuss them with your midwife or GP.         

If you have a cat, steer clear of the kitty litter! Changing cat litter may put you at risk for a parasitic disease, called toxoplasmosis, which can cause pregnancy problems and serious birth defects. If there isn’t anyone else to change the litter box for you, wear rubber gloves while you scoop and change it. And when you are done... wash. your. hands.

For managing sickness early in your pregnancy, try ginger biscuits or ginger tea. Other things you can try are sea band bracelets (they apply acupressure to your inner wrist to reduce nausea and can be found at your local pharmacy), eating six small meals throughout the day instead of three larger "normal-sized" meals, and sucking on a ice lolly if the weather is nice (a great way to get extra fluids)!

If you find that it's 3 a.m., and there you are, between your nice, clean sheets, trying to sleep, and you. just. can't. sleep., this might be due to how disrupted your circadian rhythm has become from frequent bathroom trips during the midnight hours to empty your bladder. These nighttime trips are a result of the increased blood flow and fluid caused by pregnancy. You should feel more rested during the second trimester but return to sleeplessness in the third trimester, when the extra weight pressing down on your bladder means extra trips to the bathroom.

Try playing any type of soothing white noise, propping yourself up with an extra pillow to combat any heartburn, napping during the day, or any other trick you'd try when a newborn needs more sleep. If sleeplessness is interfering with your ability to function during daytime hours, or causing other issues, talk to your midwife or doctor about possible treatment options. Always talk to your doctor before taking anything to help you sleep.

Even if you are super excited about being pregnant, you may still not be ready to share your news with everyone. To help you prepare for the reveal, think ahead. If your pants are getting too uncomfortable, wear a swingy summer dress. Instead of canceling girls' night out, volunteer to be the designated driver. When you do finally decide to share your news, be prepared for curious questions. Head here for some fun announcement ideas. You don't have to divulge any information you don't want, or aren't ready, to share. You can be polite or sarcastic.

When are you going to give your parents some grandbabies?         

At a Glance

  • Fast heartbeat: Your baby’s heart is beating rapidly at 140-170 bpm.
  • Eye colour: Their eye colour is beginning to develop!
  • Fatigue: Progesterone can cause tiredness this week.
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1st Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.