8 Ways to Celebrate World Chocolate Day


Did you know that it's World Chocolate Day on July 7th? No, me neither. But what better reason to indulge in one of our favourite treats. And it really is. In the UK we eat around 11 kilos per PERSON each year! That's a lot of chocolate. Around three bars per person, each week. (Source: Divinechocolate.com) Personally, I don't eat that much chocolate. I'm much more a "savoury" mum, preferring crisp and dips. But if you do have a soft spot for chocolate, you have an extra excuse to consume it this summer. Here are a few ways you can celebrate World Chocolate Day with the family this year.

Traditional Hot Chocolate

I know it's the middle of summer but if it's a warm evening, light a fire, cook up some yummy hot chocolate and enjoy it under the stars. Bliss. We love lighting the fire and sitting outside if it’s not too cold. There’s something super cosy about snuggling up with blankets and watching the flames whirl through the night air.

Fancy Fondue

Something fun and delicious that can be enjoyed all year round – chocolate fondue. If you're doing a BBQ, why not make some fruit kebabs to dip in the melted chocolate? A semi-healthy treat for everyone to devour. Otherwise marshmallows, fresh strawberries and digestive biscuits all work well. Anything that you can dip!

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Chocolate Contest

Pick up a selection of chocolate bars during your next shop and do a taste test. Rank your favourite sweet treats in order and see what comes out top. You could even do a blind taste test using different brands of chocolate. I remember doing this as a child with a friend and it was so much fun!

Deliver Dessert

If you're planning on venturing out now that lockdown is eased slightly, be sure to treat yourself to a chocolatey dessert. Or if you’re staying inside, see what’s on offer locally in terms of delivery. So many of our local businesses are offering takeaway or delivery.

Get Cooking

Don’t fancy eating out or getting takeaway? Why not try a new recipe using chocolate?

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Around the World in Chocolate Bars

Go global next time you shop and look for different varieties to sample. It’s easy to stick to the main UK bars but there are so many different options when it comes to chocolate. Try a range of milk, dark and white, and sample some different cocoa strengths.

Go Vegan

Have you tried any of the vegan chocolate bars on offer? My personal favourite is the Galaxy Vegan, Smooth Orange. If you prefer milk over dark chocolate, then this is a great substitute. The caramel and sea salt flavour is equally scrummy. Of course, you could just enjoy dark chocolate.

Treasure Hunt

It's the middle of summer and we are way past Easter. But who doesn't love a treasure hunt? If you're stuck at home with the kids, sick of trying to be teacher, parent, cook, cleaner and full-time worker then have some fun by hiding individually wrapped chocolates for the kids to find. It should keep them entertained for five minutes.

Do you celebrate World Chocolate Day? Are you chocolate mad or do you prefer a savoury snack? Share your favourite chocolate treat in the comments.

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