Your Baby is the size of a


A huge congratulations is in order…you’ve made it to the end of your first trimester! At this point, you might be able to feel the firmness of your baby in your belly, and even begin to see a slight bump side-on. It’s time to start gathering maternity clothes, ready to accommodate your growing bump! Your baby is also experiencing lots of changes as you enter the second semester, as their eyes and ears start to properly take form.

Week 12

Length : 5.4 cm

Weight : 14 g

Week 12
Length : 5.4 cm
Weight : 14 g

Your Baby is the size of a


A huge congratulations is in order…you’ve made it to the end of your first trimester! At this point, you might be able to feel the firmness of your baby in your belly, and even begin to see a slight bump side-on. It’s time to start gathering maternity clothes, ready to accommodate your growing bump! Your baby is also experiencing lots of changes as you enter the second semester, as their eyes and ears start to properly take form.

Amazingly by this point, most of the building work is complete, with all the necessary bits and pieces in place; the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines, and is practising using its tiny little lungs. Even though they have doubled in size since week 9, all your baby needs to do now is continue to grow! At the moment, the baby is around 5 cm long and weighs about 18 grams - around the size of a small plum or lime, so plenty more room for packing on some pounds!

As your little one grows, they are starting to ascend out of the pelvic area, and you may even be able to feel the firmness of your baby in your belly and see a slight bulge side-on. Have you started to take some snapshots of your baby bump?

Yay! You have hit the 12-week milestone. One that everyone is pleased to get to at this point, as the risk of miscarriage reduces significantly, and a lot of your worries are rightfully eased. If you have been suffering with morning sickness and fatigue, you may well find that those symptoms start to ebb away from this point onwards, and likely be replaced with a renewed sense of energy as you make your way into your second trimester.

Remember, it continues to be important to keep hydrated, as your body produces the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby, and your increased blood supply means you must keep taking in a healthy level of water each day, as well as your prenatal vitamins.

You are finally at the end of your first trimester, but sadly, so too is your ability to fit into your regular clothes. A tricky time as you are maybe not big enough for maternity wear, but your usual clothes may be asking for some backup! Time to start shopping maybe. Our essentials include maternity leggings and baggy T-shirts (go one size up for growing room if non-maternity wear) and oversized jumpers.

If you still don't feel any pregnancy symptoms, you officially made it through the entire first trimester symptom free! It you are still struggling with any first trimester symptoms or experiencing any new ones, here are some things you're likely feeling.

Morning sickness and nausea: During week 12, some people may continue to experience morning sickness, though for others, this symptom may begin to alleviate. These symptoms are often attributed to hormonal changes and can vary a lot in severity and length. Here are some tips for combatting morning sickness.

Elevated hCG levels: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced during pregnancy, and its levels typically peak around week 12. Elevated hCG levels are associated with various pregnancy symptoms, including nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness.

Skin darkening: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to skin darkening in certain areas, such as the face, abdomen, or nipples. This condition, known as hyperpigmentation, is common and usually temporary.

Increased vaginal discharge: Around week 12, many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge, which is often thin and white. This is a normal occurrence during pregnancy and is due to increased blood flow to the pelvic area and hormonal changes. Here’s everything to know about vaginal discharge.

Headaches and/or dizziness: Some women may experience headaches or dizziness during week 12 of pregnancy. These symptoms can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations, changes in blood circulation, or simply the strain of carrying additional weight.

Spotting: Spotting or light vaginal bleeding can occur during the first trimester. While spotting can be worrisome, it's essential to remember that it can be a normal part of pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. However, it's always best to speak to your midwife or GP about what you’re experiencing to rule out any potential complications.

Low sex drive: Changes in hormone levels, physical discomfort, and emotional stress can contribute to a decreased libido as you progress through pregnancy. Make sure to communicate openly with your partner and try to understand each other's needs during this time of transition.

Remember to take care of yourself and speak to your GP or midwife for any concerns or questions about your symptoms during this exciting time!

You're reaching a milestone - the end of your first trimester - are you finally ready to share your news? For many women, this milestone is what grants them the comfort of sharing their pregnancy with friends and loved ones. If you've been waiting to spread the news, you might decide to let people in on your little secret in a creative, fun, or dramatic way. Here are our top pregnancy announcement ideas. 

For example, if you gather a group of family members and/or friends together, ask someone to take a photo of you and your partner. Right before the picture is taken, proudly announce, "I need a great shot of the three of us!" And then wait for it to sink in. 

Alternatively, turn the camera around. Pose your family and friends together for a group shot. But instead of instructing them to say, "cheese," before snapping the photo, say, "We're having a baby!" The resulting photo will be a fantastic memento for the baby book. Or you can invite guests over for a dinner party with a theme: baby carrots, baby spinach... see how long it takes before someone starts asking questions.

Don't forget to take a profile picture of your growing bump this week!

Practice putting your feet up! As the weeks continue, you will need to be patient with yourself. Keep an eye on your stress levels. If your ankles are swelling, or if you are feeling overwhelmed, sit in a comfy chair and elevate your feet for 30 minutes. Read a book, drink some warm tea, or listen to relaxing music. This is the time to be your own best friend. It's okay to feel nervous. Just be sure to listen to your mind and body when it needs some down time.         

At a Glance

  • Everything in place: All major organs and systems are now in place, including the stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines.
  • Ready to pop: Baby is moving out of the pelvic area, causing a slight bulge in your belly that may be visible side-on!
  • New clothes: You may find it challenging to fit into regular clothes now. Invest in some maternity leggings, baggy T-shirts, and oversized jumpers!
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1st Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.