Your Baby is the size of a


Your baby can now hear your voice, and muffled noises of everyday life. So, it’s time to warm up those pipes and start giving your baby some concerts. Don’t worry if you’ve not got the voice of an angel, your baby will love it anyway - so sing your heart out and introduce your baby to your favourite songs. Studies show talking to your baby early on can help deepen their connection with both mum and dad.

Week 16

Length : 11.6 cm

Weight : 100 g

Week 16
Length : 11.6 cm
Weight : 100 g

Your Baby is the size of a


Your baby can now hear your voice, and muffled noises of everyday life. So, it’s time to warm up those pipes and start giving your baby some concerts. Don’t worry if you’ve not got the voice of an angel, your baby will love it anyway - so sing your heart out and introduce your baby to your favourite songs. Studies show talking to your baby early on can help deepen their connection with both mum and dad.


Your baby is growing fast! Muscles are growing stronger too, enabling them to stretch out a bit more with semi-controlled movements. Their face is now complete with eyelashes and eyebrows, and their eyes are making small movements left to right and can notice light through their still-sealed eyelids. What’s more, your baby will be more sensitive to touch, so touching or poking your belly may cause them to react with a kick or poke back!

Everyone feels their baby's movements at different stages, but you may be starting to feel tiny flutters as your baby continues to flex their muscles. Don't worry if you haven't felt anything yet - at 10-11cm long, your baby is still small so it may be a while yet!

What is your singing voice like? Do you know that your baby can now hear you when you’re singing in the shower? All the noises on the outside world are travelling through, and your baby will be hearing the muffled noises of everyday life.

Don't worry though if your singing voice could scare cats, your baby loves the sound of your voice and of those you’re in regular contact with.

Nothing much will have changed for you this week. You may be seeing an increase in bump size, but other than that it is business as usual!

Your skin is glowing, you have more energy, your hair feels thicker, and... are you feeling lustier than usual? How about bustier? There are many positive elements of pregnancy in the second trimester, as well as a few new not-so-great symptoms. Here is a list of symptoms you may experience this week!

Larger, fuller breasts: Your breasts will likely continue to increase in size and become fuller as your body prepares for breastfeeding. You may also notice changes in your breast tissue, such as tenderness or sensitivity. Wearing a supportive bra and practicing good posture can help with any discomfort you’re feeling.

Glowing skin: Many experience a radiant complexion during trimester two of pregnancy due to increased blood circulation and hormonal changes. This "pregnancy glow" is often attributed to higher levels of oestrogen and progesterone, which can enhance skin elasticity and hydration.

Fetal flutterings: Around week 16, you may start to feel fluttering sensations in your abdomen as your baby moves and stretches. These early movements, often described as "quickening," can be a reassuring sign of your baby's growth and development. Head here for more on when you’ll feel your baby kicking.

Increased libido: Some women experience a boost in their sex drive during the second trimester. This can be due to hormonal changes or increased blood flow to the pelvic region, leading to heightened sensations and desire for intimacy with your partner.

Increased vaginal discharge: Known as leukorrhea, increased vaginal discharge is a normal part of pregnancy. This discharge helps maintain the vagina's pH balance and prevent infections. Here’s everything to know about vaginal discharge.

Nasal congestion and/or nosebleeds: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to swelling of the nasal passages, resulting in congestion and occasional nosebleeds. Increased blood volume and circulation can also contribute to this symptom. Speak to your midwife or GP if these are heavy nosebleeds or happening regularly.

Round Ligament Pain: As your uterus expands to accommodate your growing baby, you may experience discomfort or sharp pains in your lower abdomen or groin area. This is often due to stretching of the round ligaments that support the uterus and is a normal part of pregnancy. Gentle stretching exercises and changing positions can help alleviate this discomfort.

Tender and/or bleeding gums: Pregnancy hormones can affect your oral health, causing gum sensitivity, swelling, and tenderness. This can increase the risk of gum inflammation (gingivitis) and occasional bleeding during brushing or flossing. Here’s more on what pregnancy can do to your teeth.

Acne: Fluctuating hormone levels during pregnancy can trigger acne breakouts, particularly in the first and second trimesters. Increased oil production and changes in skin pH can contribute to the development of pimples and blemishes.

Dry, itchy, and/or sensitive eyes: Hormones can affect the tear film in your eyes, leading to dryness, irritation, and increased sensitivity to light. These symptoms are often temporary and can be managed with artificial tears or other lubricating eye drops.

Pregnancy brain: Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and mental fogginess, commonly known as "pregnancy brain" or "mumnesia," are common cognitive changes experienced by many pregnant women. Sleep disturbances and emotional stress can also contribute to these temporary lapses in memory and focus.

Constipation: Hormonal changes and the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the intestines can slow down the digestive system, leading to constipation in some people. Increasing fibre intake, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate this discomfort! Head here for more on constipation during pregnancy.

If list-making doesn't come to you naturally, now is the perfect time to download a note-taking app, or gift yourself with a little, travel-sized notepad and pencil! By week 16, pregnancy brain has you on the forgetful side of things. Maybe you forgot it was so-and-so's birthday. Or you put the milk away in the freezer. Perhaps you misplaced your sunglasses. In your defence, the changes in your brain are merely to keep you focused on your little one. 

To combat this, get into the habit of writing things down. When you schedule it, think of it, promise it, set it, are asked of it, etc., put it on the list, check the list twice (and often), and rest easy knowing your affairs are on task. Maybe check your freezer, too. There's a good chance your sunglasses are there, staring at the pint of frozen milk!

Will you need any help or regular childcare in the first year with your little one? If so, it doesn’t hurt to begin doing research! It's never too early to decide whether your child will be at home with a parent, home with a nanny or family member, at a childminder’s home as one of a small group, or at nursery. 

If possible, talk to parents in varying situations and listen to their personal experiences. Many options have waiting lists, meaning you may need to decide on these things sooner than you'd expected. As you make the best plan for your family, keep an open mind, and consider your second and third choices, just to play it safe.

Your pregnancy glow may sometimes be a bit oily skinned too, causing breakouts or acne. Be sure to wash your face and body every day with a gentle cleanser, and avoid picking at pimples, bumps, and irritations. Extreme acne products should be okayed by your midwife or a pharmacist before using them, as some may cause issues during pregnancy.

Take a profile pregnancy picture and write in your pregnancy journal!         

At a Glance

  • Getting stronger: Your baby is rapidly growing, with developing muscles enabling more controlled movements.
  • Using their eyes: Complete with eyelashes and eyebrows, your baby's eyes are moving left to right and sensing light through still sealed eyelids.
  • Get chatty: Your baby can now hear external noises, including your singing voice!
2nd Trimester

Louise Broadbridge

Expert Midwife

Hi, my name is Louise, I am a registered senior midwife, founder of Let's Talk Birth and Baby antenatal classes and the face behind instagram's The Honest Midwife. I have taught over 100,000 expectant parents since starting my antenatal classes which have 5* reviews.

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The information on the Your Baby Club website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always discuss any health concerns with a qualified healthcare provider and carefully review all guidance that comes with any medications or supplements before taking.